Loan Application Details - Geography Wise Report
Fresh Renewal Enhancement Total Sanctioned Rejected Pending
S.No. State/District/Block Name No of Applications Loan Amount(INR in Lakh) No of Applications Loan Amount(INR in Lakh) No of Applications Loan Amount(INR in Lakh) No of Applications Loan Amount(INR in Lakh) No of Applications Loan Amount(INR in Lakh) No of Applications Loan Amount(INR in Lakh) Below 15 Days 16 to 30 Days 31 to 60 Days More Than 60 Days Total No of Applications Total Loan Amount(INR in Lakh)
1 NAHAN 74 156.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 74 156.50 43 215.20 4 8.00 1 0 0 26 27 51.50
2 PACHHAD 28 82.52 2 10.00 15 56.43 45 148.95 23 60.66 1 2.52 0 0 0 21 21 79.71
3 PAONTA SAHIB 132 262.79 56 258.90 16 111.00 204 632.69 136 471.80 13 16.50 4 7 3 40 55 178.89
4 RAJGARH 48 118.20 0 0.00 0 0.00 48 118.20 20 50.30 3 5.50 1 0 2 22 25 64.70
5 SANGRAH 65 97.20 5 12.50 7 20.50 77 130.20 25 54.00 8 16.50 0 0 1 43 44 68.20
6 SHILAI 8 42.50 0 0.00 0 0.00 8 42.50 6 32.50 2 14.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
7 TILORDHAR 36 44.00 2 5.00 1 3.50 39 52.50 31 46.00 8 5.50 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
Total 391 803.71 65 286.40 39 191.43 495 1,281.54 284 930.46 39 68.52 6 7 6 152 172 443.00